Review: The Outer Worlds (PC)

Let's get this out of the way right up front: It is both appropriate and inappropriate to say The Outer Worlds , the first-person scifi RPG developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Private Division, is Fallout in space. The core mechanics are largely similar, the dialogue system is very reminiscent of the Fallout series (save for Fallout 4 and the lifeless, emaciated husk that is Fallout 76 ), and the unique weaponry all smack of what we know and love as Fallout . HOWEVER, I think what many people don't realize is that those traits aren't unique to Fallout , they're unique to a designer who helped create Fallout. Leonard Boyarsky, as far as the average gamer goes, doesn't get the celebrity he deserves. He made his mark at Interplay (eons ago in the ancient 1990s) as Art Director of the first Fallout game, pulling double duty as well polishing dialogue, and cemented that notoriety with his broad stroke involvement in nearly every aspect of Fallout ...