Review: "Chambers" Season One (Netflix)

To describe Chambers from only its trailer you'd say it was a young adult horror show with good scares but a middling story. Don't misunderstand me, you'd say, the story isn't bad, it's just nothing new. The issue, you'd insist, was the acting, or maybe the camerawork, or maybe you just didn't like the characters. The main character is a teenage girl, after all, and only half of us can really say we relate, right? You'd be...mostly right. There are problems with Chambers , let me say that up front. They're not egregious sins in the face of God to be repented by begged forgiveness. They are, however, simple things you wouldn't expect from a show of such quality storycraft . Before you can grasp how out of place they feel I think it prudent to explain how well made the show is as a whole. The plot itself is where the careful attention paid shines most brightly. After guiding us through the night main character Sasha's heart stops and...